
Saturday, June 9, 2012

BYU's emergency Plan

This article describes parts of BYU's emergency plan for responding to disasters including an earthquake. After reading the article include a summary of important points or an answer to the discussion question below.

"Describe a time or situation where your preparation really made a positive difference."


  1. I was in a earthquake in 2010 in Chile. I am very grateful that nothing bad happened to my family and friends and neighbors. The church always say that we have to be prepared for disasters. In my family we were prepared for this earthquake, and we could were very well. Jennifer Bradford

  2. This article talk about how BYU has taken many precautions to ensure the safety of the students. It helps them learn the evacuation plans and encourage them to sign up for emergency text messages. They talk about how a text could save your life, they say that a message give them instructions and alert them of where to go for information.

  3. The article talks about what students should prepared in the event of an emergency. It says there is not a secret food storage warehouse on campus, and students should have their own food supply in their dorms or apartments. It encourage students to register to receive emergency text messages, so that they will get directions when emergency occurs.

  4. This article is talked about when Provo occur earthquake what we have to follow at the BYU, and they suggested us to keep some food which can eat 3days to 4days in the storages. Moreover, if we join BYU disaster center, they will send a massage when Provo have earthquake quickly. The bottom line is that we should hide under a desk when we have earthquake.

  5. This article talks about BYU has plans from text messages to earthquake preparedness to keep students safe. The BYU's emergency text messaging service will send out a text with instructions and information to all of students when a matural disaster happen. Also, it is very important to prepare your own food storage, and it should support you for three or four days. I think that this is a news wealth because it remind us to prepare for some emergencies. Randy Lin

  6. This article talked about the BUY's text emergency system. The system gives students instructions when a disaster occurs. Also, BUY homepage will be changed into an information channel. BUY encourages its students to register their mobile number to sure that they get instructions.

  7. This news tells us that BYU provides emergency text messaging service, and students can register for the service with an available phone number that school can contact with. One of BYU students confirmed the system works well because he had received the text before, it gave good instructions for students to follow. The other thing that is mentioned in this news is food storage. one of BYU spokeswoman said students need to prepare their own food, and should not depend on or hope that BYU would provide food for them. I think food storage is important, and everyone should have prepared by their own. I am from Taiwan. We have lots of typhoons and earthquakes in Taiwan. From these experiences that I had, I knew if natural disasters happen, food storage is one of critical issue that people can survive.


Include your summaries/question responses below. Remember they won't appear immediately. Once the reading period is closed all the comments will appear.