
Thursday, June 28, 2012

New freshmen need to prepare for diverse weather in Provo

This article discusses how it may be difficult for new BYU students to adjust to Utah's variable weather patterns. Those interviewed in the article most often comment on how difficult it is to adjust to Provo's winter. Read the article and summarize it or comment on the question below.

"International students have to adjust to Utah's weather too. Was this adjustment difficult for you? What   did you do to cope with Utah's variable weather?"


  1. This article describes Provo weather in Utah. BYU students are from many different country or city in the world, so there are a lot of international students in Provo. Utah weather changes frequently.Sometimes it is extremely hot and sometimes it is extremely cold. New freshman need to prepare for diverse weather in Provo.

  2. This article explain about the weather in Provo,and How students have to be use to the changing weather because the weather is very extreme. For example, it can vary to reining to dry , or to snowing to hot. Many student learn how to be warm in winter, and they try to be fresh in summer. Jennifer Bradford

  3. The article described that new freshmen need to prepare for diverse weather in Provo. This is because Provo has various weather conditions through a year such as extreme dryness, cold, snow and heat. The most difficult weather conditions for students are snow and cold in every winter. Students that experienced the conditions recommended new freshmen to wear a good coat and shoes in the winter of Provo.

  4. I like the weather with four distinct seasons. My home town also have four distinct seasons, which as some as here in Provo. I like snow, if no snow on the street during the New Year Day it will be strange. I do not think it is a big deal for me. But the dryness here is really hard to adjusted. One thing I learn is keep drinking water.

  5. The variable weather in Utah is pretty. In my country, we never have snow on the ground, so snow is very exciting to me. Although I like snow, it is difficult weather for me. I can't stand the cold wind, and it makes me sick. I need to cover my neck, head, ears, and hands. Randy Lin

  6. This article talks about Utah weather. It explains some problems that freshman students happen with Utah weather because they are from cities hotter than utah. I remember when I came here the hardest part was living in winter because I didnt have the correct clothes to wear. Marjai

  7. I don't know because this is going to be my first semester in winter.. But the other seasons so far have been good. The weather is as hot in my country somedays so i'm used to it. But for know it has been a little bit difficult for me wearing the right clothes for summer because of the honor code.. Most of my shirts for summer that i use in my country are sleeveless. So i always need a coat that cover my shoulders. This is annoying because when the weather is super hot i sweat a lot and get tired. So it is really important to be prepared with the right clothes! for each season :) So for me to cope winter i will buy the right clothes and prepare myself for the cold!

    Mercedes Mariella

  8. It was very difficult. The dryness and cold weather in Utah is so different from the humid tropical weather in Taiwan. I had bloody nose in the first year, then my nose finally got use to the dryness. I also use lots of lotions after I moved to Utah, but I never use lotion in Taiwan.

  9. The article talked about different weather in Provo and how students need to be prepared for it. Some students from California recommended to wear waterproof shoes and a good coat. With time you will get used to the changes in climate here in Utah.

  10. This article is telling that new freshmen need to be aware with the different seasons that provo has. Because many students are from differents parts of the world and they do not know how cold or warm it is. However this article advice us what do we have to wear or use. For example, in the winter months it is important to wear a warm, waterproof pair of shoes and a good coat. She said it’s important to also wear a lighter layer under your coat because once in class, the rooms are heated and it’s easy to get too warm.

    Christian Martinez

  11. This article talked about valiable weather in Utah and How to indure Utah weather as BYU students. Many people who are studying at the BYU have different hometown in the world. When they experience in summer or winter, it could be shock becuase of different temperature with their countries weather. BYU recommends that student who used to live other cities or countries need to know how different climate Provo has. Also, they need to prepare variable clothes.


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