
Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to get over your team’s loss

Sports fans will be interested in this article that discusses how to emotionally recover when your favorite sports team loses. It provides 8 steps to help you be positive instead of angry.

Give a 5 sentence summary in the comments or answer this discussion question.

"People can become very emotional watching sports even to the point of crying when their team loses and crying when their team wins. Who is the craziest sports fan you know?"

1 comment:

  1. There are many things that i saw about soccer fans, for example the most common and funny that i have been seen is like two men kiss that each other for a victory. In Italy the soccer is like a religion and many fans when they team lose, they like to fight with the another fans of the other team and sometimes it become dangerous. Another thing that is common is when maybe a team won a cup or something the fans start to sing and undress for celebrating the victory.
    These are only few things that i saw but there are many craziest things that happen every day.
    Steven Monsalve


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