
Thursday, May 10, 2012

CES fireside speaker shares lessons learned by observing trees

This article includes a summary from a fireside given by Elder Marlin K. Jensen a leader in the LDS church. Elder Jensen gave advice to young people comparing our life to trees and what we can learn from trees an apply in our lives.

Include a summary in the comments or answer this discussion question.

"Can you add to the list of ways that successful people are like trees? How else could we compare the life of a tree to our lives?"


  1. Elder Jensen said we are like trees. Trees need light, and we need God's light. Trees that have to work harder to get what they need are stronger. People who have trials can grow stronger. Trees need to be other thees just like people need to be around other people. Randy

  2. This is a great talk Elder Jensen shared and has a lot of things to learn to put in practice in our lives. Elder Jensen said that living trees are fortified by rich nutrients of trees which lived before them and this reminded me of my own father who at the age of 8 started to work to help my grandmother raise 3 children. He gave up his childhood to provide in a small yet precious way food for his brothers. His story of life inspirational for me, makes me want to be like him. Makes me be grateful to have such an example. Now he is a successful man and have learned a lot from him.


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