
Monday, July 23, 2012

2000 Stripling warriors march down Main Street

This article talks about a group of young men who marched in a parade on Friday. It tells why they did it and what spectators thought about it. Summarize the article or comment on the question below.

What do you think this group symbolizes? Would you participate in this group? Why or why not?


  1. This article talks about over 2200 guy Helaman walk on the a main street. They represent brave warriors in the Book of Mormon, and they also represent the army of God to bring peace on the earth. Randy Lin

  2. This group symbolizes a lot of effort, harmony, unity, friendliness, and the will of all these boys to contribute for the love that they have for the church and the religion. I think i would not participate, because i'm a girl.

    Mercedes Mariella

  3. this article talks about many people from the lds church that want to do a parade to shows the importance of god and it can be as army of god.they are going to do this parade on friday with clothes that represent many years ago.

    steven monsalve

  4. This article teaches us the youngh men faith to march in the streets of bountiful. Some people waited a long time to attend and enjoy this parate. If there is a parate like this but for women, I would like to participate because they are events in which we can raise our spiritual level. Marjai

  5. this article is about a grup of men that participated in the parade last week . it is imortant for the communiti here bwcause represent no only the pioners but aldso the book of mormon.Jennifer Bradford

  6. This article talked about the stripling warriors or Helaman's army in the Book of Mormon. It also talks about of all the effort all this young man did, meetings, practicing. This happened in Bountiful. They gathered 2000 young man for the parade on the main street of this city.

  7. This article talked about the stripling warriors or Helaman's army in the Book of Mormon. It also talks about of all the effort all this young man did, meetings, practicing. This happened in Bountiful. They gathered 2000 young man for the parade on the main street of this city.

  8. I have no idea what this group symbolizes. I would not join the group, I am not interested in that, and I am already 31 years old.

  9. This article talk about a parade of the sons of Helaman. 2200 guys who dressed as figures from the Book of Mormon story marched down main street in Bountiful. If I were a man, I would participate in this group.

    -Miyeon Lee

  10. This group symbolizes the 2000 warriors " The sons of Helaman" I love this story and of course I will participate because I would like to be part of this 2060 warriors.

    P.S: If you guys want to read more about this story just take a book of Mormon and go to the chapter 56 of Alma; you will love it and you will feel awesome

    Christian Martinez

  11. The article talks about 2000Stripling warriors marched in the parade and all of them dressed as they came from the story of the Book of Mormon. It was a great work, those kids had been practicing for over three months. people think it is cook idea not because the size of the people but because of the meaning. Some people they missed the parade for years, but they came for this year. I think the group symbolizes LDS church.I would like to participate if I could, because attending the activity make me feel touched, people who fight for their religion.


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