
Thursday, November 1, 2012

NYC Air, Rail Services Slowly Being Restored

This article describes the recovery of New York City transportation after super storm Sandy hit early this week. After reading the article leave a summary or an answer to the discussion question in the comment box below.

"Is it possible for a city to be overly dependent on public transportation? Can over dependance on public transportation be avoided?"


  1. For New York is possible really in my summer vacations I went to new york and it was awesome bit the unique thing that I could note that is a disadvantage there is that the unique viable way of transportation is the public transportation in this particular case is the subway and with this problem I think New York is stocked cause of natural disaster.

  2. I dont think that a city like New York can survive without public transportation for a long time because people are so use to it and their lives and their schedules are made thinking about the time t takes to them to travel from one place to another. People are going to struggle with this catastrophe.

  3. In my opinion, it depends how big the city and how important of the city, like New York, it is important to use the public transportation. It's convenient for the citizen. That is why all the big city always try to work on the public transportation. Otherwise, it will have big problems for people go out or too many cars on the way, which is bad for the environment.It is very common the big city need public transportation.

    I am so surprised about this question,do you have another way to support that the big city should avoid transportation? I really hope you can share your opinion。


  4. It is impossible for a city to leave public transportation, especially a big city like New York. In China, we have a good transportation system, even in villages. Not all people can afford private vehicle, public transportation is necessary for all countries and all cities, and it is good for the environment and traffic problems.

  5. This article is about "super storm Sandy" and its huge impact in the public transportation system of New York.
    About the questions "Is it possible for a city to be overly dependent on public transportation? Can over dependance on public transportation be avoided?," they have relationship with the importance and size of a city. In the specific case of New York, everybody depends of public transportation because this is a one of most important cities in the world. Also there a lot of cities in Europe, Asia and Latin American that have a huge reliance of public transportation. About second question, again, it depends of the city. This is impossible for New York.


  6. The article was mainly about the effects of Sandy in NYC. Sandy was a deadly storm, which caused a lot of damages in the Caribbean and North America. Transportation system was paralyzed especially in the subway and airport due to the flood. A lot of cities remain without electricity. Some hospitals had to evacuate their patients because of the failure of the electric system, and even backup generators also failed. Now, authorities are working together to put all systems back on track.

  7. I think it is possible. For example, in my city back in Brazil, people are really dependent on public transportation because a lot of them do not have money to buy a car. And in the same case, I think that the dependance on public transportation cannot be avoid because my city does not have infrastructure to accommodate more private transportation than they city already does.

  8. This article talk about NYC. NYC had the deadly storm. Because of it, the public transportatioin in NYC such as subway and airport are not working well. I think it is possible for a city to be overly dependent on public transportation. For example, in Korea, the system of transportation is established well, so people don't need own car as much as American. Especially, students like me mostly use public transportation when they go to school. Therefore, if there is deadly storm or natual disaster, people will suffer great inconvenience due to paralysis of the transportation.

    -Miyeon Lee-


  9. In my opinion, It is totally possible for a city to be overly dependent on public transportation. Because of globalization that has changed lifestyle of people around the world, it is difficult to people can avoid being dependent on public transportation for different reason like velocity, safety, and comfort. People have to do many duties daily, in consequence, walking would retard people to be on time. Some places are not safe when people are walking, or driving a bicycle, so being inside a public transportation could be safer, and finally, public transportation could represent a relax time, as a result, people will be able to read a book, sleep, or listen music until they arrive to their destinations. It is very possible to be very dependent on public transportation.


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