
Monday, November 26, 2012

A healthy holiday

This article describes ways that people can avoid holiday weight gain. After reading the article, either include a summary or answer the discussion question in the comment box below.

"Do holidays in your country result in similar weight gain or do you have more healthy ways to celebrate."


  1. I have never heard or worried about weight gain in holidays in my country, even someone talks about it, that is just a joke, no one will pay attention to diets after holiday. Chinese people eat all kinds of food not only in holidays. Eating is a important culture and enjoyment, not a worry of weight gain.

  2. The article said that during holidays many people eat a lot without exercising. After that, they are getting fat. And this situation happens every year. In my country, we have same situation. After Korean Thanksgiving day: Chu-Soek, many people worry about their weight. During that time, they eat a lot, talk to families, and sleep a lot. We have same result. After that day, many people realize that they ate a lot, and they try to work-out.

  3. In my country, holidays represents a time to weight gain. Usually, Venezuelans make a break in their diet in order to enjoy delicious Venezuelan's food such as hallacas, ham bread, chicken salad, lechosa dessert. These food forms part of the Christmas and New Year food. These two holidays are very important for us because people get meet with their families. Almost everybody gets more weight because of eating a lot of food. Then, when January begins, people take aware about their extra weight and begin exercising again.

  4. Korea has similar holiday with thanksgiving. The name is Chuseok. We also gain weight after Chuseok because the foods are oily and people eat a lot. When I was in Korea, I didn't really worry about gaining weight. However, when I went to thanksgiving dinner in America, I realized why people worry about their weight during the thanksgiving, and I also did. The foods are really oily and sweet. I felt these are heavy to eat. However, I think thanksgiving is just one day a year, so we should work out ordinary day, and then enjoy the thanksgiving!

    -Miyeon Lee

  5. In Mexico when holiday come we have to be ready to gain a lot of weight because almost all the food that we eat at the end of the year has lots of fat. Normally all our food has a lot of fat but the food in Christmas has a lot more. For example tamales pozole etc.they are product that come from corn, and corn has alot of fat on it plus we add a lot more. But because is the end of the year its OK.

  6. Yes, we gain a lot of weight in the holidays. There are tons of food. I think there are more food in the brazilian holidays than there are in american holidays. We eat a lot and mostly unhealthy food.

  7. I don't know if you have hear this but CHILEAN PEOPLE EAT LIKE PIGS! we eat anything, especially in the holidays. We have tons of food and desert, we eat until we explote. These holidays is when everyone in my country drink a lot. So, at the end of the holidays everyone it's at the gym because they gain a lot of weight. Some people take care of their weight in the holidays , but most doesn't. But we said, how cares ? it's a holiday we must to enjoy it in every way

    Francesca Giuffra

  8. In Chinese culture, we eat a lot of food during Chinese New Year, and it often contain so much meat, seafood, and dessert. Those big feasts can continue more than a week, so it is common for missionaries to gain weight in Taiwan. On the other hand, if no one invite missionaries meals during Chinese New Year, that is another sad story. Randy Lin


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