
Monday, October 1, 2012

What to wear the first day of College in the U.S.

This blog entry highlights fashion choices made by U.S. college students on their first day of school. After scanning this article and the vast number of pictures and captions summarize the main ideas and leave an answer to the discussion question in the comment box below.

"How different are the fashion choices made by the typical U.S. college student as pictured in this article and the average college student from your country?"


  1. It showed many pictures what to wear on their first day at a US college. It is very interesting. In my country, it happens same situation, too. When we are the first day at my university, I saw many beautiful girls in campus I’ve never seen before. Men are similar. They got a lot of perfume, and they want to be look-good. I think the first day is kind of nervous. That’s why most people very care about wearing the clothes.

  2. This article question us what you wear in the first day of college in the America. I am international student. I remember the first day I wore t-shirt and jeans, and flat shoes. I heard that american students wear what they want, they dress very casually.You will feel comfortable if you dress t-shirt and jeans.


  3. In my country, Taiwanese students' style are a little different then U.S. students. Taiwanese guys like to wear athletic clothes all the time, and they don't know how to dress up for special activity. Taiwanese girls like to wear pants all the time because they don't like to wear shorts or skirts. Also, Taiwanese like pink and purple. I like most of Americans casual clothes. Randy Lin

  4. Some freshman and sophomore students have a look more informal than junior and senior students in Venezuela. Commonly,the youngest group is affected by fashion tendency and social class. These make that several students spend a lot of money buying clothes to look great in their class. However, another freshman and sophomore group don't take care about trending. This group only wear what they want according to their values. Junior and senior group prefer to wear formal clothes. It's is because them are working, or are looking for a job, so they want to look professional.

  5. I saw some pictures, but it was so interesting because it was pretty different with Korean university students. Actually, most Korean students tend to wear their cloth nicely on theri first day of school. However, in these pictures, students look like just usual appearance.

    -Miyeon Lee

  6. This article gave us a stereotype of what do the American young students wear on the first college day. I think it is same as in China, casual and personalized. Most students don't care what they wear in the first day, but they want to give a nice stereotype to the classmate and teacher who would live with them for next several years.

  7. I think the people that are entering in a US collage look more relax than the people in my country. It is because people in my country are more worried about how they look like than how is the better way to go to college. The first day in a collage in my country is really important because of it you will have friend depending on what you wear that day.

  8. Well, over there in my coutry we dress like them for go to high school, but no with formal clothes. I see that there is not too much difference between my country and US styles. But, I used to go a school where one must to wear uniform instead of casual clothes, it is normal in Peruvian high schools, but if you go to the university or a college there is no uniform in contrast you can use whatever clothes you want.

  9. The article is not so long. There are many nice photos. In my country, especially in my school, we all wear white medical coats, so I never think hard what to wear on my first day of school. However, I make sure that my coat is white as a sheet,and neat as a pin.

  10. I think it is pretty much the same. People go to college in their first day well dressed. But, in the middle of the semester, they start going with basic clothes.

  11. I find huge differences between dress habits in Europe and the US. At least, in BYU the most of students wear simple clothes. In contrast, European students are very worried about to their clothes and the fashion. It’s weird to me seeing student girls wearing basketball pants in the campus. In Europe is impossible to see it because are different dressing habits.

  12. In my country is very important how you look and what clothes you wear. Everyone look at you if you look weird. For the Chileans is very important the appearance of the person, that is the first impression of a person. At the university, in you first day of school you want to look older and mature, so we are vary careful about what to use the first day of college because that is going to be the impression that will define everything that year.

    Francesca Giuffra

  13. Fashion style is very cultural. It appears that in the US, a lot of students tend to wear clothes designed by their schools. It's a way of proving their identity and also showing their pride in the schools they attend. However, due to the diversity in taste and the different types of personality, there's not a unique way for college kids to dress their first day of university. In contrary, in my country, students get to dress in a very distinctive way. For example, in the state university, they must wear the clothes that the integration committee ask them to. Most of the time, it's a very funny apparel. It's a way, according to them, to get rid of their complex.

  14. In my opinion, the fashion choices are depends on person. The average college student fashion is a little different. For example, Korean students are care about their clothes because they are worried about other students's thinking, like how do I look? American students are more casual style because they have open mind to other student's preference. Most Korean students are fashion-conscious people.

  15. The fashion choices made by the typical U.S. college student as pictured in this article and the average college student from my country Colombia, is very different. Students in Colombia wear more formal cloths to go to school. Shorts and pajamas are not allowed at school. Colombian students are more worry about looking good. Students in USA are more worry about been comfortable.


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