
Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 6 - Lowering the Missionary Age

This article refer to President Monson's change of the age requirement for missionary service in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Read the article and respond to this question:

How do you think this announcement will effect people you know?  What effects will this change have?


  1. I think this age requirement for missionary service will increase the rates of missionary. Actually, when I heard this requirement first in the general conference, I thought it is too early. However, it is changed because it can encourage students to be a missionary. Also, these days our society is changing, so being in a church will be good for members.

    -Miyeon Lee

  2. I think this change of the age requirement for missionary service will effect a lot of young students, maybe some people I know will decide to go to mission, maybe the campus would be a little empty then before. And also I think it s a good decision, people who get these mission experience when they are so young would become more mature than others at the same age, they will know more clearly what they want to learn when they come back, it is good for their success in the future.

  3. This article said that LDS church changed missionary age requirements. It can be big news to preparing the mission. It can be changed many things. According to the article, it can change housing and other things. I think it can change students life plan. As they can go early, they can make change their plans. If someone served mission early, he or she can be more mature. It can be brought different way to live on the rest whole life.

  4. I think this announcement is amazing because young women won't have to wait until 21 years old to go to the mission. It changes will bring more mature to BYU university because the majority of new students will possibly be returned missionaries who experimented wonderful experiences in their missions. It will uplift more the level of this university.

  5. I have a friend that has a girlfriend and he has to wait for her, because she wants to serve a mission. The problem was: she is 19 years old. Before, he would wait to get marry about four years, but now she already can go to mission, wich is a good thing for both of them.

  6. I have to respect that change because it is a commandment however I think it is better because it was inspired for every young men of 18, it helps to return faster to the studies and make to most of the people of my age mature faster.

  7. I have to respect that change because it is a commandment however I think it is better because it was inspired for every young men of 18, it helps to return faster to the studies and make to most of the people of my age mature faster.

  8. As we know that acceptance to any program at BYU is competitive, this change will affect positively students who want to apply to BYU. When fewer students apply, the opportunity to be accepted will increase.

  9. I have lots of friends with daughters who will consider to go to the mission now that they can go earlier. This will be perfect because the girls now can go on a mission and when return they will be in a good age to go to college, date and get married. this will be the fulfillment of the prophesy that the gospel will be teach on all the corners of the world and to all people.

  10. I like this new announcement that lower the missionary age. I just talked to one my coworker, and I realized the new church policy is having a big effect. My coworker said she never thought about going on a mission, but she changed her mind when President Monson announced the new policy. She preparing to go on her mission soon. Randy Lin

  11. I read kind of this article. A lot of students felt exciting for the change,they think it will change their lives of school and dating, it is better for them went to college after mission.They can have a good experience and get ready for college.But my roommate said she proper to sever her mission with her husband in future,so the age did not affect her.


  12. About this article will have positive effects above students of other countries. There will be less competition in order to apply for BYU. On the other hand, I think that this announcement will change the attitude in many young people. Evidently this change is positive because a lot of LDS will want to serve in a mission.

  13. I think this will change my friends option, they will decide to go on a mission after finishing high school. That will be more easier for them, do the mission first and then go to college and start their studies. Also, it won't be that much competition to get in to BYU, that will be a good thing for others students.

    Francesca Giuffra

  14. "Statistical effects and official statements from BYU about the recent Church policy change that lowered the minimum age requirement of missionaries." The number of female BYU students aged 19-21 is 8,102 women, which is 51 percent of female students at BYU. And the total male student population aged 18-19 right now at BYU is 2,487, which is around 14 percent of male students at BYU. This means a possible 65 percent of students at BYU are now eligible to serve missions if they decide to.
    In my oppnion, serving missions will be increased because they can decide to do it early before they study to major. Some students worried about their study's Continuity. They don't wont to forget their knowledge of magor. It is a big changing of Church policy.

  15. I think this new announcement is going to help people who are that age. They may had thought about going mission. However, thanks to the new announcement they can decide easily their future. It will encourage them to decide to their mission

  16. I think this new announcement is going to help people who are that age. They may had thought about going mission. However, thanks to the new announcement they can decide easily their future. It will encourage them to decide to their mission

  17. I agree with this change. Firt of all because this decition was inspired by god who reveled it with the prophet. I think the big change is with women and I know a lot of girls that now they want to serve a mission because they have the possibility now to go young and return in a perfect age to restar their studies.


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