
Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Missionary Rush

This article describes the dramatic increase of missionary applications since the changes to missionary age requirements made in October. After reading the article leave a summary or an answer to the discussion question in the comment box below.

"Do you know anyone affected by the age change for missionaries? If so how have they been affected? If not, how will the age changes affect BYU?"


  1. I have three friends that now they want to serve a mission because the changed of the age to go. Also, is necessary that the person who is going to serve the mission is sure to do it. I feel now women think that serve a mission is like fashion or they feel that all sisters are going to their mission and they only want to go because all are going and it is not like that. They must have the feeling to serve a mission

  2. I just talked to two co-workers two weeks ago, and they are preparing for their missions right now. I asked their opinions about President Monson's new announcement, and they both are think to go on missions. They said, "Before the new announcement, they didn't really think about go on missions, but they are going on their missions soon." Randy Lin

  3. It affected me and many guys more who are 18 and 19. I usually have to make changes for Spring and Summer semester, expecting if I can go to Peru or US to the mission. Furthermore, it will affect BYU applications because most of the time freshman will be around 20 or 21, the applicaitons could be lower that will benefit my application for Spring semester.

  4. I know some girls that are preparing themselves to serve a mission. They are planning to serve before the beginning of the winter semester. They were affected because some of them did not think before in serving a mission, but now they want because they will not go back so old.

  5. I heard many people excited about going early to the mission. Also I was talking to this sister who mentioned to me that she was very concern about sending her son to a mission a year early because she does not feel prepare financially, and she thinks her son is not mentaly, emotionally and financially prepare to go one year earlier. She feels like she is one year shorer to prepare for this important event. Her son is now 17 and she wants to make sure her son learns how to cook, do his laundry, clean and manage his money. She is a single mother with a low income so she feels that she will need more time.

  6. I served as Young Women President in my country before came to US. When the prophet announced the age change for missionaries, almost all my young women decided to go to serve a mission. It decision affected positively their lives because they can be more spiritually strong in their early age, and they can also help my country to increase the amount of missionaries.


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