
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

In pictures: Obama and Romney through the years

This photo article shows side by side comparisons of the lives of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney after viewing this photo essay leave a summary or answer the discussion question in the comment box below.

"Were you surprised by differences or similarities of these two men?"


  1. In my opinion both men has different background. Romney is a man who grew up in a strong family with values very clear. His father taught him essencial principles about how to be successful in the business world and in the family. On the other hand, Obama grew up next to his brave mother who took care of him. He also grew up with an idea of a father apparently extraordinary that always was absent in his life. He has lived a live as similar as many foreign people who came to American looking for a dream. In conclusion, both men are totally different at any viewpoint.

  2. From what I can see both were reise in a good environment with good parents who taught them how to work hard and do all they can to achieve their goals. Both of them have outstanding families witch sopport them during this political carrer. I am not impress by the succes that both have, because it looks like both have work hard for what they are now (very important people in the American politics).

  3. When they are in childhood, they learned a baseball. Family are important both men. And they like to participate sports. At last, they love each of their wives. On the other hands, Obama has a black father, Romney hasn’t. Obama studied in law school, but Romney did business. They have different major. Actually, I didn’t know the facts, so that’s interesting.

  4. It is interesting to see those differences and similarities of Obama and Rommey through their pictures. I was not surprised by those comparison, but I thought it is interesting that they are both love exercising because that made me think of the president of Taiwan. He studied college in America, and he loves swimming and jogging. "Is that a kind of influence of American education?" I wondered so, when I saw this photo article.

  5. I were surprised to see the many similarities they have since they were young. Both of them are men that always studied hard, had succeed on their professional and politic life, enjoy practicing sports and love the family. And this last year they were competing on a tight race to be the President of the United States.

  6. I were not surprised by differences or similarities of these two men. If you find any other two politicians, and compare them, the result is same as comparing Obama and Romney. I saw lots of similarities, but most details are different. As you know, the elites are all similar, we do not need to be surprised.

  7. I think the similarities are they both are male, they like sports, they really in to politics. The differences are one is come from rich family, and the other come from middle-class family. One serve in Republican Party, and the other serve in Democratic Party. One is white, and the other is black. Randy Lin

  8. I had to post that in my Facebook. I was enjoying the similarities between a republican and a democrat. First, it was interesting to see few differences and big similarities. I like both lifestyles, looks really original from a normal US person. They are a good representation of the US life that is why I am surprised but not too much. What I am surprised that Romney like Celtics and no Utah Jazz, talking about basketball.

  9. I do not see there are many differences between these two politicians. They like sports, they have happy families, their careers started in 1990s, and they did public speeches in beginning of 2000. In addition their wifes are very supportive their husbands and they do well in society. One surprising thing was their baby pictures. They looked very alike. If I did not know them, I would say they are twins.

  10. I am not surprised, I just did not know that they are similar in many aspects. Both had good education and both endorse family values. Also, they are successful in their professional life.

  11. Although they have obvious differences about their politic ideas, Obama and Romney share similar things. Both grew up next strong parents, even though Obama only was raised for his mother. Both have had a competitive behavior since they were younger. Also, they have had the invaluable support of their wives. About the differences, Romney is a businessman and he was raised in a wealthy family.In contrast Obama is a lawyer and during his childhood his family was of middle-class.


  12. In my opinion, both seem to have a wonderful childhood even Obama's father was almost absent. They both enjoy sports and are successful in their lives. I have seen people who grew up with strong family values, and have become nothing in their lives. To become successful, dedication and hard work are essential, a path that both Obama and Romney went through.
    I am not surprised at all !


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