
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ad professor urges students to avoid Satan’s efforts to distance us from the Savior

This article summarizes the devotional from Tuesday. BYU advertising and marketing professor Douglas Mackinley encouraged students to develop a real and personal connection to Jesus Christ and beware of the dangers of Satan. After reading the article, write a short summary or a response to the discussion question in the comment box below.

"You can infer from the article that Professor Mckinlay believes that people face spiritual difficulties at all ages but difficulties may be different for people at different times in their life. How is the opposition you feel in your life different now than you expect it will be 20 years from now?"


  1. This article was talked about divotional from tuesday. He talked about how did satan bother our mind for three reasons. First of all, we try to doubt our self-worth and he gaves us feelings of entitlement, also he helps us develope power of procrastination.

  2. Honestly, I can not understand what the article talks about. And the question is so big. I can not know what will happen in 20 years later, but I know I will learn a lot from my failures. I want to be a successful man, but only hard working can not achieve my goal, I also need luck. How people now if they are doing the right thing? No one knows

  3. My responsibilities will change, I will have a family and more things. Opposition that I will feel in 20 years, would be totally different from the one that I have now. I'm a teenager now, so my difficulties are different.

  4. this article talk about divotional. Professor Douglas McKinlay said Church members need our heavenly father even at school and in every desicion we have in everyday life through prayer, scripture study and inspired places. Marja

  5. This article is about a devotional in BYU. The professor explained that Satan has many strategies to distance us to the God.For example he said that Satan try to convince that we are no good enough to pray to good or somethings similar. he also explained about the pride, when we think that we can do things by us own. Jennifer Bradford.

  6. I remember one of the leader's talk was about selfish. How we are selfish, for example: I think I am tired, so I am not going to church. I think I need a rest is more important than attending the church. Satan uses lots of strategies to distance us from the Savior little by little, and we do not notice at all. I hope and I think I will keep walking trough to the end of the road with faith, and be a good example to my parents, influence my parents(join to the church).
    ChiaYen (JiaYan)


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