
Friday, May 18, 2012

Obama Announces $3 Billion in Private Sector Pledges to Help Feed Africa

This article describes a speech by President Obama when he announced a large sum of money that has been organized from private companies and will be directed to helping solve hunger related problems in Africa. After reading the article include a short summary of the article or answer the discussion question below.

"Hunger problems create obvious health problems for starving countries. However it can also create significant social problems. What are some of these social problems that hunger can create?"

1 comment:

  1. President Obama announced the new food initiativen for starving countries to prevent health problems and social problems caused by hunger problems. In my opinion, hunger problems can make not only health problems but also serious social problems. Of course, the problem of hunger causes health problems due to poor nutrition. In addition, if hunger continue, people may commit crimes to get some food. -Miyeon Lee.


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